Monday, July 24, 2006

Lebanon: Good Background Info

Some Background Info
B.B.C. has daily summaries of the action the past weeks, these keyfacts on Lebanon, and maps of the current fighting. In addition, this article about the current strength of both Hizbullah and the Lebanese Army, shows just how fragile the Lebanese armed forces are.
Time Magazine has a series of articles this week: Hizbullah Nation on the militant groups political-military sophistication - including reports on how they are using encrypted communications for command and control. What Was He Thinking? on Ehud Olmert's gamble in Lebanon, showing he does have a steely determination, and public support, to see it through, and Meanwhile A View From Iran which shows that public support in Iran for Hizbullah may be overstated, that many think the association is more trouble than it is worth, and that - even within the leadership there is some unease about their proxy/ally.

Israpundit offers the Pro-Israel side, The Angry Arab News Service from a Lebanese-born blogger offers a pro-Palestinian, moderate perspective.
More Maps here, courtesty of Occidentality, who links to a Google Map of Lebanon (unmarked) as well as this this comprehensive one. Counterterrorism Blog and DEBKAfile are good military sources from the Israeli POV.

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