According to stories in La Razon and in theNuevo Herald
Bolivian presidential candidate Jorge Quiroga, issued some pretty harsh statements against Evo Morales and Hugo Chavez. Morales is in Caracas meeting with Venezuelan President for a couple of days, as is Felipe Quispe.
Quiroga accused Morales of being on a "pilgrimage" to Caracas, to visit Chavez whom he accuses of interfering in Bolivian internal politics. "So close to elections all the world knows that from Venezuela, they work and support...openly the MAS candidate, and projects for other groups." He said that Chavez is acting improperly as a "head of state", by his open endorsements of Evo Morales acting as a "campaign manager" for the candidate.
He further stated that "If the elections were in Venezuela they would do good, but the eleccions are in Bolivia." "We Bolivians have to decide our own future, we don't want owners or tricks from abroad."
Quiroga contrasted that interference with the Bolivian's ex-Presidents vocal support he gave Chavez, during the 2002 coup attempt, which the Venezuelan President publically thanked him. "[T]hat gives us the right as a country, and as a person to demand the same respect towards our democracy and we worry about what has been seen the last couple of months, open acts of support from a head of state...[for a candidate]."
Morales, in turn denied received money from Chavez, and said that he was a 'step' away from the presidency, but did admit he admired Chavez, for his part in the struggle against the United States:
."I am convinced that they [Chavez and Fidel Castro] are the commanders of the liberation forces of America. We the peasants want to join that anti-imperialist struggle"
Quiroga in turn said that Bolivians "don't want to be satellites of any foreign project"".
Quiroga also said that Chavez failed Bolivia, by first offering its support for Bolivia's longstanding demand for an outlet to the ocean from Chile, and then turned on the country by supporting the Chilean candidate for OAS boss, Chilean Foreign minister Insulza which Bolivia bitterly opposed.
Fearful rat with inferiority complex (FRWIC):
I can bet money you will now side with Quiroga. The fact that he was an IBM suit must really turn you on too.
Let me see, he lived in "america", he worked for a corporation and he is married to a white Texan. Wow, he's your idol!!!
Fearful rat with inferiority complex (FRWIC):
C'mon retard do better than that, you sound like a caricature.
I'll bet you support Evo, and believe all the fairy tales that the stupid left tells you.
You probably believe that Socialism "works" you stupid lemming.
El acomplejado eres tu, ,tercermundista pelotudo,
Comment on games and sports!!! now THAT is more appropriate for your stupid rants, you FRWIC!
Why don't you comment on baseball too while you are at it FRWIC?
Evo was last seen cavorting with the likes of these:
I'm glad you feel superior by living in a superpower. I'm sure that gives you a lot of security... I'm sure the evil communists can't threaten you in your beloved corporation, oops, sorry, I meant nation... neither the terrorists!! oohh, ahh... scary!!! BOOO...
FRWIC, you are sad. Stop being so fearful of what's "different" you little incompetent rat.
Hi lemmings!!!!
That's so cool you share a picture of yourself here!--You RAT!
Yeah, between Castro's island prison and the US, the choice is obvious, no?
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