Continuing on with the world of the weird, former Argentine Soccer super-star Diego Armando Maradona has a new career:
Fallen Soccer Icon Scores With TV Show
By Patrick J. McDonnell, Times Staff Writer
BUENOS AIRES — He crooned. He grew teary-eyed. He traded head passes with soccer great Pele.
He emoted a tango verse, danced a waltz with an Italian bombshell, hugged everyone in sight and declared more than once, "Que lindo" — How lovely.
Diego Armando Maradona, the stocky midfielder who led Argentina to the zenith of the soccer world two decades ago and then fell prey to drug addiction, obesity and celebrity malaise, made a glitzy comeback this week. His new incarnation: host of a weekly entertainment program, "La Noche del 10," or The Night of 10, a reference to the number that adorned his jersey.
Monday's much-anticipated late-night debut highlighted how Maradona, 44, was still revered here despite his tribulations with cocaine and corpulence, the latter resulting in stomach-stapling surgery that helped him lose more than 60 pounds.
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Sounds like a carnival sideshow - I am putting this on my list of "must see" TV.
Interesting that Pele shows up on his debut show, they feuded very publically some years ago, when FIFA had that poll for best player of the century.
Dieguito seems like a burned-out clown now, and he blabs a lot of silly rhetoric, but it is hard to forget his absolute genius as a player.
Wonder if Pinguino will be a guest, and if Telesur will pick up syndication rights.
I saw a pic of him in the paper the other day. He looks well that he lost all the weight.
He got his gut stapled.
Maradona needed to get unfat.
What an ignorant idiot.
It looks like english is your 2nd language, stupidity being your first.
"unfat"?????? what the hell is that you little 3rd world ignorant? you think you are American? you can't even formulate a coherent argument, you can't even type english!
Boli-nica, you are a real piece of hispanic shame.
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