Sunday, May 21, 2006


Remember Edgar the falling kid? In Mexico an online movement is trying to draft him as a presidential candidate, under the PPW party. Partido Pinche Wey , under the Slogan No Dejes Que Edgar Caiga -- Don't Let Edgar Fall.

According to the authors, Edgar would make a great President because.

1. Edgar is honest...not afraid to show feelings and his passions..
2. Edgar is the living image of Mexicans.....who[didn't think]'kid reminds me of me at his age' 3. Edgard simply doesn't have the heart to hurt the people, you can see it in his face. 4. Edgar is incapable of stealing.....all he wants in life is the respect he deserves. 5...No international leader would dare become Edgar's enemy...

Edgar also goes Jedi...LOL

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