Sunday, July 31, 2005

Bolivia: Quiroga Leads Poll of Urban Dweller

If the elections were held today, Jorge "Tuto" Quiroga would get 22 percent of the vote, while businessman, Samuel Doria Medina and Evo Morales would get second and third with 15 and 16% of the totals, according to this survey done by La Razon, in the four main Bolivian Cities: La Paz, El Alto, Cochabamba, and Santa Cruz.

El ex presidente Jorge Quiroga obtendría el 22% de los votos si las elecciones se desarrollaran hoy, mientras que Samuel Doria Medina (UN) y Evo Morales (MAS) se ubicarían en el segundo y tercer lugar con el 16 y 15% de apoyo, respectivamente.

Así lo revela una reciente encuesta elaborada por Apoyo, Opinión y Mercado para La Razón en julio, en las cuatro ciudades capitales del eje troncal. La pregunta planteada fue: “En caso de que se presenten a las próximas elecciones presidenciales los siguientes candidatos, ¿por cuál de ellos votaría usted?”.

Evo's popularity is way overstated outside of Bolivia, the bottom line is that a centrist or center-right allaince will probably win the next election.


Anonymous said...

glad to see my note is the only note here. All you do is repeat what others say and you add nothing to the discussion.

Anonymous said...

I would recommend seeing Jim Shultz's blog on Bolivia for real coverage on the Bolivian situation. I seriously doubt you will find anything of substance here.