Thursday, July 14, 2005

Mas Sobre Londres

I thought this Wade character's post was pretty funny:

burning in fear??!!? Ha!! Not this Brit. With my upper lip fixed stiff, i hoot and mock these jihadis. Wankers one and all. I’d like to see ‘em on Celebrity Terrorist Island, the IRA’d make mincemeat of them…

Posted by wade · July 7th, 2005 at 10:15 am

This one manages to be rude, funny, serious, and responsible all in a couple of paragraphs.
An open letter

to the terrorist cunts who tried to kill me today:

Fuck you. You missed me. Better luck next time.

Update: I am coping with the shock as only a Brit (and maybe an Irishman...) knows how - I'm getting well and truly pissed.

Update 2: Thanks for all your thoughts and words, everyone. Going to get a shower, get dressed and then get the tube into work. Life goes on.

Update 3: Back home, safe and sound. Can't thank everyone enough for visiting and leaving their thoughts. One last word: Please - no politically charged comments at least until they've dug out the bodies of those Londoners still buried 100ft underneath King's Cross in a tube carriage. Time to grieve, not score points.

Again I go back to the Jon Stewart piece the other day, commenting on the lack of 'country songs' after the attack. More than likely, there will be none of the vulgar 'remembrance' T-shirts either!

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