Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Bolivia: Evo Sees Gringo Spies In His Soup

Evo denounced the US for sending military personel to spy and perform all sorts of vile deeds in Bolivia. In a speech, he claimed they arrived disguised as students. Even Jim Schultz, the Evo apologist par excellance, thought this one was a little strange. With baited breath most of us waited for the confirmation which duly arrived in this government bulletin which has some interesting things to say.


Evo's original claim that 23 US military personel entered the country, was "confirmed" by none other than....the Bolivian Minister of Government - sort of like the Chief of Staff to the President.

Chuflay, Shaken Not Stirred, 007--A La Boliviana
Apparently this goes back to March 3, 2006, when the spymasters of "Bolivian Intelligence Agencies" began an counter-intelligence "operation," designed to identify American military personnel, that were going to attend courses at NUR University.

El tres de marzo, organismos de inteligencia bolivianos iniciaron operaciones en el aeropuerto de Viru-Viru, en Santa Cruz, para identificar al personal militar norteamericano que llegaría para un curso de quechua en la universidad NUR.n

BUSTED..For Taking Sociology 401
The Minister stated that the "suspects" when confronted, they indicated they were taking a course in "Social Conflict Resolution" at a local University.
According to the Minister that type of courses due to their "sensitivity" are "reserved" exclusively to "high-level" government and military personnel, involved in "special units, intelligence, and the war on terror". And in said courses, they are trained in decisionmaking and operations in situations involving "kidnapping, rebellions, mutinies, and popular insurrections".
Muñoz found it "extremely suspicious" that such young civilian personnel were involved with such a sinister course and said the Bolivian government was in the middle of an intensive "investigation" behind this.
-Ms. Muñoz never does tell us why such classified U.S. government training, is available exclusively through a summer course, costing $3,400.00 dollars, offered at a University in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

La ministra, Muñoz, afirmó que la denuncia fue hecha con responsabilidad, sobre información fehaciente. Estos militares, dijo, al verse descubiertos argumentaron que vinieron a Bolivia a un curso sobre "Resolución de Conflictos Sociales".

Los cursos de manejo de crisis y conflictos internos, por ser temas muy sensibles, importantes y con clasificación de reservados, solo están dirigidos a personal de alta jerarquía del gobierno y personal militar especializado en este manejo como ser unidades especiales, de inteligencia y de lucha contra el terrorismo
En estos cursos se entrena al personal en los niveles de decisión y de operaciones en situaciones de secuestros, rebeliones, amotinamientos y alzamientos armados populares..

Siendo demasiado sospechoso que personal civil, sobre todo estudiantes jóvenes, tenga acceso a esta clase de cursos, la titular de Gobierno, dijo a la ABI, que el caso es investigado minuciosamente por los mecanismos de inteligencia.<

The Proof Is In The.....
hmmm....One of the alleged spies, registered at the U.S. embassy after arriving, something only done by "diplomats and military personnel." Without questioning the logic of why an undercover operative would go straight to the U.S. embassy in an extemely visible manner, one has to wonder if the Minister has ever thought a student staying in a foreign country would not want to inform his local embassy of his presence, should any calamity befall him - such as being followed and interrogated by military intelligence officers??

Este militar dijo ser estudiante, sin embargo se inscribió en la embajada de los Estados Unidos a su llegada, lo cual solo se hace en el caso de diplomáticos y militares.

Summer In Bolivia = Imperialist Domination Techniques
Well, checking out the national security course, that so troubles the Bolivian government:

To accomplish these goals, ACT, in partnership with Nur University, developed the Summer Institute on Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution (IPCR), an intensive 3-week residential program to build the capacity of current and future professionals to make a critical difference in furthering peaceful relations in the world.
IPCR offers a stimulating integration of theory and practice, bringing together innovative academic analysis with practical, hands-on training and skills development, combined with personal and professional development.
IPCR will help participants achieve the following objectives:
· Improve conflict analysis skills to design effective interventions
·Develop practical skills to implement peacebuilding and conflict resolution programs
·Increase capacities for cross-sectoral work
·Highlight ‘best practices’ in the field
·Develop ongoing professional networks between participants, program staff and guest speakers to support personal and career development

Wow, that sounds real "suspicious" LOL....
And the agency behind these hateful messages?

Conflict is an inseparable part of human interaction. When addressed constructively it can lead to peaceful and positive change. ACT provides innovative research, training and intervention services to help transform destructive conflicts by addressing underlying needs and concerns, building sustainable relationships, and changing the conditions that foster violence. Founded in 1999 to expand the knowledge and practice of conflict transformation and peacebuilding, ACT empowers communities, organizations and governmental agencies to:

* Develop new conflict resolution capacities
* Reduce and prevent violence
* Create relationships and institutions that foster sustainable peace are the spymasters:
Funnier even, that a former Sandinista minister is among the faculty teaching the courses.
I think Evo is trying to distract people from the Venezuelan Military forces entering the country, and to fire up a bit of anti-Santa Cruz hate. But, boy, this is just communique is just plain retarded. It is hilariously stupid and kind of sad at the same time. I mean you have to be really, really ignorant, to come up with B.S. like that, specially about college courses. Specially courses whose very curriculum is straight out of the NGO/Development Agency playbook that the Evo-maniacs supposedly know well.

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