Wednesday, August 10, 2005

U.S. Plays Both Venezuela Sides

Interesting read in the Christian Science Monitor:

US plays both Venezuela sides
By Mike Ceaser |
Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor
CARACAS, VENEZUELA – While the Bush administration engages in a war of words with Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, the US government has been giving permits to American arms dealers to sell weapons, tear gas, and other riot-control equipment to Venezuela.

At the same time, the US Congress has indirectly funded anti-Chávez pro-democracy groups.

"It's a bizarre working at cross- purposes," says Adam Isacson, who follows Venezuela for the left-leaning Center for International Policy in Washington. "You have bad relations with this government, and you're selling them the means to put down opposition protests."

I agree with the NGO dood, that is kind of wack. But then again doesn't the U.S. also fund the Palestinian Authority AND sell massive weapons to the Israelis? -

But lets clarify a little here, we are allowing private parties to sell some weapons and riot gear to what looks to be Venezuelan cops, theoritically it could be a municipal force buying the stuff.:

Defense and Commerce department records show that in 2002, Washington issued licenses to export to Venezuela more than 7,000 pistols and rifles and 22 million rounds of ammunition, as well as riot-control equipment and interrogator sets. In 2003, it issued licenses for $43 million in military equipment sales, including a million cartridges, 1,000 pistols, and ammunition. Last year it issued $24.6 million in licenses, including $425,000 in tear gas. This year, the US has approved export licenses for police gear, restraint devices such as leg irons, stun gun-type arms and chemical agents.

The Whole Article Here

Interesting that Brazil and Israel continue to sell weapons to the Colonel.

The bottom line here, and hardly mentioned in the article, is that Hugito has oil - gobs of it. He wants to buy all sorts of toys - and finds willing sellers. For the U.S. it is a matter of putting up with his annoyances as long as the oil flows continue.


Anonymous said...


No mention of the 3 IRA men, who were on trial in Columbia for training FARC rebels, mysteriously ending up back in Ireland?

Anonymous said...

Boli, sos un huevon. Deja de joder y mejor dedicate a tus carreritas de autos, imbecil.

Boli-Nica said...

Boli, sos un huevon. Deja de joder y mejor dedicate a tus carreritas de autos, imbecil.

Obviamente sigues leyendo, asi que mejor calla el hocicote y pone atencion. Hasta un izquierdoso pendejo como vos puede aprender.

Boli-Nica said...

What up SOD? Let me find out.

Anonymous said...

here's the easiest link
most Irish online news services require registration.

the 3 men are wanted in Colombia, and were ordered to remain in Colombia pending the outcome of an appeal

Anonymous said...

that wasn't me. Nice to see your low level show up so clearly here... (in spanish).
you're pathetic.

Anonymous said...


I think you are very ignorant. In fact, I think you are probably the most amusing of all the right wingers I've seen. You hide behind insults, just like a good ignorant conservative would. I agree with anonymous, you are really pathetic.

Anonymous said...


At least you're a little realistic about how you describe yourself:

The original "All-American", half Bolivian and half Nicaraguan, born in the US, and raised in Central and South America.

Shows your inferiority complex. You really want to be "american", specially identify yourself with the whites. You're really sad. You're ashamed.

My take on Latin American politics, Latino issues, U.S. news, and assorted global messes.

"global messes" LOL, you don't even understand them, much less have a real opinion on them. You really are an ingnorant perfect conservative idiot who pretends to think.

Throw in whatever pop-culture garbage catches my eye,

This certainly explains the trash you spread. Your mind is full of shit.

and a nod or two at my Champ Car Racing obsession.

Yes "obsession" is a good word for your fanatism. Usually limited minds go for the only thing they can grab on to. You are fanatic fool, you hide behind your cliches and repeat the words spoken by those you kiss up to.

You are such a fool you don't even realize how absurd you are. Where the hell did you come from man? What trash can did you get thrown out of?

Anonymous said...

segui con el buen trabajo y no te dejes con estos izquierdistas hijos de sus putas madres que creen que con insultarte van a poder callarte, igual que el mierda del Chavez trata de hacer con la oposicion. Al menos se nota que tus posts dan en el clavo, si no no se inmutarian los pobres infelices.
Izquierdistas: Consiganse un cerebro. La izquierda no funciona, basta que lean un libro de historia que no sea de Galeano. Y si no me creen, vayan a la Europa del Este que sigue con el trauma de haber tenido hijos de puta como ustedes en el gobierno.

ADELANTE BOLI-NICA!! Sigue con el buen trabajo, desenmascarando a cabrones como Jim Schultz.

Boli-Nica said...

Shows your inferiority complex. You really want to be "american", specially identify yourself with the whites. You're really sad. You're ashamed.

LMAO, what a dumbass. You simply don't get it. When I say "All American" it means the Americas.

Boli-Nica said...

A RN said...

segui con el buen trabajo y no te dejes con estos izquierdistas hijos de sus putas madres que creen que con insultarte van a poder callarte, igual que el mierda del Chavez trata de hacer con la oposicion. Al menos se nota que tus posts dan en el clavo, si no no se inmutarian los pobres infelices.
Izquierdistas: Consiganse un cerebro. La izquierda no funciona, basta que lean un libro de historia que no sea de Galeano. Y si no me creen, vayan a la Europa del Este que sigue con el trauma de haber tenido hijos de puta como ustedes en el gobierno.

ADELANTE BOLI-NICA!! Sigue con el buen trabajo, desenmascarando a cabrones como Jim Schultz.

Gracias por los comentarios. Estos idiotas no tienen la mas p$#a idea de lo que hablan, son un atajo de tercermundistas acomplejados.

4:01 AM

Anonymous said...

..."Gracias por los comentarios. Estos idiotas no tienen la mas p$#a idea de lo que hablan, son un atajo de tercermundistas acomplejados."
LOL, you are so stupid, LOL.. there's proof of your inferiority complex. You live is "AMERICA" the #1 "SUPERPOWER" and that makes you feel superior. You are a fearful rat with an inferiority complex, loser. LOL!!!!

You must really hate that you have some "indian" blood in you!! you really must resent that... you are hilarious, rat.

I will refer to you as the fearful rat with an inferiority complex from now on.

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